Mackenzie Featured in Mainebiz 40 Under 40

Posted by Natasha Fee on October 11, 2024

Cornerstone’s own Mackenzie Parsons was recently featured as one Mainebiz’s 40 Under 40 in their October 7th issue. The Mainebiz 40 under 40 recognizes Maine’s promising young leaders who are shaping our state’s future and driving positive change in our community. 

Click here to check out Mackenzie’s profile – along with those of other talented individuals – featuring accomplishments, influences, favorites, goals, and more. Mackenzie reminisces on key moments from her past and looks ahead to her objectives for the future. 

This has been a year of milestones for Mackenzie. She celebrated her 10-year anniversary of working at Cornerstone, welcomed her first child, and now has been recognized within the Maine community for her professional impact. We’re certainly proud to have her! 




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